The Bérard AIT Website: http://www.berardaitwebsite.com
A valuable resource for anyone looking to learn more about Bérard AIT.
Bérard AIT on youtube
Bérard AIT studies and research results
Further results and success stories
Dr Bérard's Own Website: http://www.drguyberard.com
Bérard-Approved AIT Filter Settings: http://www.berardfiltering.com/
Bérard´s Method Center of Scandinavia: http://www.berardsmethod.se (Swedish & English)
Bérard AIT and Practitioner training in English, Deutsch and Francais.
Bérard´s Method Center Antalya: http://www.berardmetodu.com (Turkish)
Bérard AIT and Practitioner training in english, deutsch, francais, turkce (turkish) and a´Arabi (Arabic).
IDEA Training Center: http://www.ideatrainingcenter.com/
Pages on this website contain information relating to: Bérard AIT, attention deficit disorder, auditory processing disorder, auditory hypersensitivity, dyslexia, learning disabilities, sensory integration disorder, developmental disabilities, and AIT practitioner training.
Neocortex (Spanish): http://www.neocortex.es
Neuro Centre: http://www.neurocentre.co.za/
Society for Auditory Intervention Techniques (SAIT): http://www.berardaitwebsite.com/sait/index.html
The Society for Auditory Intervention Techniques (SAIT) is a non-profit organization and is located in Salem, Oregon. SAIT distributes information about auditory integration training (AIT) and other auditory-based interventions to professionals and parents.
Vega Kids (Spanish): http://www.vegakids.com
A useful resource for those who speak Spanish.